
Úvod » Semináre » How will policy makers continue the momentum of COP26 in 2022?

How will policy makers continue the momentum of COP26 in 2022?

Tento seminár už síce nestihnete, ale pokiaľ máte záujem o podobný, dajte nám vedieť!
Kedy: 9. 2. 2022, 18:00 – 19:00
Kde: online prostredníctvom služby Zoom
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

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  • Prednášajúci: Ingrid Barnsley, Deputy Director of the Environment Directorate, OECD

Join the OECD iLibrary and the OECD Washington Center as we discuss the aftermath of COP26 and how policy makers are gearing up to continue the momentum of Glasgow in 2022. The webinar will feature a panel of experts and will highlight the recently launched OECD International Programme for Action on Climate (IPAC). Through regular monitoring, policy evaluation and feedback on results and good practices, IPAC helps countries strengthen and co-ordinate their climate action. It complements and supports the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement monitoring frameworks.

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OECD iLibrary je základná informačná služba Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Sprístupňuje všetky knihy, časopisy, výskumné správy a štatistické databázy na jednom mieste.