
Úvod » Semináre » How to Write Your Literature Review

How to Write Your Literature Review

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Kedy: 10. 11. 2022, 15:00 – 16:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

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Súvisiace podujatia a materiály:


The literature review is a very important component of your paper/article as it helps lay the ground for your research. It is meant to show how your research references previous studies, builds on them and addresses gaps in them. Writing a compact yet comprehensive literature review is thus essential for the success of your paper/article. In this webinar, our expert panellists – an Academic Copy Editor & Trainer and an Academic Writing Instructor & Senior Lecturer – provide tips and suggestions for writing a compelling literature review section (and paper, as applicable).


  • Robin Bellers, Academic Writing Instructor and Senior Lecturer
  • Yateendra Joshi, Academic Copy Editor and Trainer


  • Sunaina Singh, Academic Editor and Trainer