
Úvod » Novinky » E-prednášky o obezite v HSTalks

E-prednášky o obezite v HSTalks

4. 12. 2015 - Henry Stewart Talks

Nová séria v HSTalks Biomedical & Life Sciences Obesity: science, medicine and society začína s e-prednáškami:

  • Dysregulated eating behaviour, eating disorders and obesity
  • Obesity and asthma
  • Obesity and psychology
  • Hormones, feeding and animal models
  • Genetic epidemiology of obesity – part 1 of 2
  • Genetic epidemiology of obesity – part 2 of 2
  • Obesity, present and future therapies

Redaktormi série sú Prof. Alexandra Blakemore z Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Imperial College (UK) a Dr. Andrew Walley z Institute of Medical & Biomedical Education (IMBE), St. George's University of London (UK).

Nové e-prednášky pribudli aj do existujúcich sérií.

Cancer Genetics:

  • The non-coding RNA revolution in the cancer society
  • Molecular genetics of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Back Pain Management:

  • How we currently measure back pain

Topical talks:

  • CLL: novel prognostics, and updates on therapy – part 1 of 2
  • CLL: novel prognostics, and updates on therapy – part 2 of 2

Vo Vaccines:

  • Regulatory considerations for vaccine development: talk 2 – clinical regulatory considerations (1 of 2)
  • Regulatory considerations for vaccine development: talk 2 – clinical regulatory considerations – (2 of 2)
  • Regulatory considerations for vaccine development: talk 1 – chemistry, manufacturing and control

Aktualizovaná bola e-prednáška v Antibiotic Resistance:

  • Beta-lactamases: clinical impact and epidemiology

Pokiaľ vaša organizácia má predplatné ku kolekcii Biomedical & Life Sciences, automaticky získavate prístup ku všetkým novým aj aktualizovaným sériám a e-prednáškam.

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