
Úvod » Semináre » How SciFlow makes Diamond Open Access Publications easier and faster

How SciFlow makes Diamond Open Access Publications easier and faster

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Kedy: 23. 3. 2023, 11:00 – 12:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Zatiaľ čo pre veľké vydavateľstvá je nemysliteľné, aby publikácie sprístupňovali len vo formáte PDF, pre časopisy s otvoreným prístupom je mediálne neutrálna produkcia výzvou. Zavedené systémy, ako sú repozitáre a systémy riadenia pracovných postupov, zvyčajne nezmapujú kroky produkcie. Táto medzera vedie k veľkému úsiliu poskytovať publikácie v strojovo čitateľných a online formátoch.

Prednášajúci Dr. Carsten Borchert, konateľ spoločnosti SciFlow GmbH, sa bude venovať týmto témam:

  • stručné predstavenie spoločnosti SciFlow
  • pracovný postup publikovania z jedného zdroja pomocou SciFlow
  • prípadové štúdie, ako inštitúcie publikujú časopisy a knihy pomocou SciFlow
  • ako začať so SciFlow Publish
  • SciFlow Publish pre vaše publikácie a priestor pre vaše otázky


While it is unthinkable for large publishers to make publications available only as PDFs, media-neutral production is a challenge for open-access journals. Established systems such as repositories and workflow management systems usually do not map the production steps. This gap leads to a high effort to provide publications in machine-readable and online-based formats.

SciFlow Publish complements the single-source publishing workflow

With SciFlow Publish, we aim to make institutional publishing easy, accessible, and format-independent. (University)Pu­blishers can use SciFlow to implement a single-source publishing workflow to increase the number of high-quality OA publications and the number of formats.

The right solution for your publishing process

Whether it's editing, production, or a completely different point in the publishing process, you can use SciFlow Publish to serve your specific needs. You take precisely what you need and profitably supplement your existing work.

Learn about SciFlow Publish in the Live Webinar

In this webinar, the speaker and managing director of SciFlow GmbH – Dr. Carsten Borchert – will cover the following topics:

  • Brief introduction to SciFlow
  • Presentation of the single-source publishing workflow with SciFlow.
  • Case studies: How journal and book publishing was simplified with SciFlow.
  • Getting started with SciFlow Publish
  • SciFlow Publish for your publications & Q&A session