
Úvod » Semináre » Write and co-author research articles in SciFlow across institutions worldwide

Write and co-author research articles in SciFlow across institutions worldwide

Tento seminár už síce nestihnete, ale pokiaľ máte záujem o podobný, dajte nám vedieť!
Kedy: 27. 4. 2023, 14:00 – 15:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrácia

Pozrite si webinár zo záznamu.


Veríme, že otvorená veda znamená aj prekonávanie bariér a uľahčenie spolupráce. Posielanie rôznych verzií e-mailom je minulosťou: SciFlow je jednobodová aplikácia, ktorú môže používať každý, kto má pripojenie na internet.

Prednášajúci Dr. Carsten Borchert a Frederik Eichler zo spoločnosti SciFlow GmbH, sa budú venovať týmto témam:

  • úvod do SciFlow a procesu písania
  • ukážka naživo: písanie vedeckého článku, diplomovej práce alebo knihy pomocou SciFlow v tíme
  • ako zaviesť SciFlow vo vašej výskumnej inštitúcii
  • priestor pre vaše otázky


We believe that OpenScience also means overcoming collaboration barriers to facilitate cooperation. Sending different versions by mail is a thing of the past: SciFlow is a single-point application that everybody can use with an Internet connection.

Easy follow-ups and automated formatting save precious time

Writing collaboratively on the same version of an article, sharing references, and reviewing options are essential features of SciFlow to allow co-authors worldwide to write a paper together. With our change tracking feature, you can always see who changed what and create revisions to go back to later.

Automated formatting saves time and nerves for the whole team

With thousands of journal templates from publishers (e.g., Elsevier, Wiley, IEEE, Springer Nature, and others), researchers will find it easy to start with SciFlow, as a suitable template can be found right from the start. If necessary, missing templates will, of course, continue to be developed upon request.

Learn more about SciFlow in this live webinar

In this webinar, the speakers and founders of SciFlow GmbH – Dr. Carsten Borchert and Frederik Eichler – will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to SciFlow and the writing process.
  • Live Demo: Writing a research article or a thesis/book with SciFlow in a team
  • How to introduce SciFlow at your research institution
  • SciFlow for your institution's needs & subsequent Q&A session