
Úvod » Semináre » Start into 2024 with a free SciFlow trial to simplify your academic writing

Start into 2024 with a free SciFlow trial to simplify your academic writing

Tento seminár už síce nestihnete, ale pokiaľ máte záujem o podobný, dajte nám vedieť!
Kedy: 27. 2. 2024, 14:00 – 15:00
Vložné: zdarma, nutná registrace

Zaregistrujte se na webinář.


The online writing and publishing software SciFlow addresses the frustrations and time-consuming aspects of creating publications. Text formatting is automated, team reference management is simplified, and collaboration happens seamlessly in one place. With its easily searchable journal database, SciFlow offers thousands of templates from publishers. Should you require missing templates, they will continue to be developed upon request.

You can take advantage of our free trial to gain an immediate insight into SciFlow's capa­bilities. Starting the new semester, you'll embark on a fresh writing experience. The trial includes:

  • Full access to SciFlow's features for students and researchers for up to 2 months
  • Free webinars & videos for an easy introduction
  • Texts and images for introducing SciFlow to your students and staff
  • Usage reporting after the trial period ends

In this webinar, SciFlow GmbH co-founder and CEO Dr. Carsten Borchert will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to SciFlow and collaborative features
  • Presentation of two use cases: Writing a research article and crafting a thesis with SciFlow
  • How to introduce SciFlow to a research institution: Insights from our customers
  • How to start a trial
  • Interactive Q&A session

We look forward to seeing you at the webinar and helping you get started with SciFlow.