
Úvod » Novinky » Ako inžinieri využívajú Knovel pri riešení technických otázok

Ako inžinieri využívajú Knovel pri riešení technických otázok

19. 6. 2018 - Elsevier | Knovel

Inšpirujte sa prípadovou štúdiou, ako inžinieri v praxi využívajú Knovel pri riešení technických otázok. Príklad dobre poslúži aj pedagógom a študentom z technických odborov. Text je kvôli zachovaniu terminológie v angličtine.

The engineering challenge

A large engineering firm had won a bid for a series of water works for a major metropolitan area in the US, including a Sodium Hypochlorite and Fluoridation facility. Some of the work was subcontracted, and the day after the tender had been published, one of the potential subcontractors indicated that the specification for the joint for stainless steel pipes with a diameter <30” was missing. This is a critical spec as welding joints burns the protective lining that prevents corrosion, and omitting the specification can increase the costs during construction. In order to publish an addendum, the Engineer in charge of the tender had to quickly identify a suitable joint that did not involve welding.

How would you solve it?

Can you solve the challenge above following the steps below?

  1. Find basic information about Sodium Hypochlorite.
  2. Find materials and their properties by executing a Data Search for Sodium Hypochlorite corrosion rate.
  3. Search Polyurethane coating for stainless tubes.
  4. Get to know more about pipe joints.

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