Úvod » Semináre » CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform training for Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra [SPU]
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform training for Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra [SPU]

Kedy: | 9. 4. 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 |
Kde: | Poslucháreň Z03, Hlavný areál SPU, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, Nitra |
Vložné: | zdarma, nutná registrácia |
Voľné miesta: | 49 |
Zaregistrujte sa dole.
Slovenská poľnohospodárska knižnica pri SPU, CAS, divízia American Chemical Society, a Albertina icome Bratislava pozývajú na seminár k CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform. Určený je vedecko-výskumným pracovníkom, študentom a informačným pracovníkom zo Slovenskej poľnohospodárskej univerzity v Nitre.
Seminár povedie Dr. Tetiana Khristova z CAS, divízie American Chemical Society.
Bude priestor aj na vaše otázky.
We would like to invite you to CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform training that will be focused on the most useful capabilities.
CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform is the world’s most current and relied on source for chemistry and life science information. In the Platform you will find information on chemical substances and their related chemical structures, chemical names, regulatory information, and properties, CAS Registry Numbers, including reactions, possibility to perform retrosynthetic analysis and much more.
The CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform gives access to
- CAS SciFinder-n, the world’s most current and relied on source for chemical substance information
- CAS Analytical Methods, a collection of analytical methods from journals
- CAS Formulus, a collection of formulations from patents, journals and product inserts
- ChemZent, Chemisches Zentralblatt abstracts, the world’s oldest journal of German chemical abstracts.
Please, join the workshop to learn more about the platform content.
- Speaker: Dr. Tetiana Khristova, Sr. Customer Success Manager, Eastern Europe & South Caucasus region, ACS International, Ltd. – Representing CAS
Albertina icome Bratislava, s.r.o., Cukrová 14, 813 39 Bratislava 1
tel.: 02-529 324 50
e-mail: aib@aib.sk