Producent: | McGraw-Hill Medical |
Partner: | McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC |
Typ: | Plnotextové a multimediálne databázy |
Platforma: | McGraw-Hill Medical |
URL: | Homepage produktu / Product info |
Odbory: | Rehabilitácia |
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AccessPhysiotherapy je integrovaný online zdroj, ktorý poskytuje študentom, pedagógom fyzioterapie ako aj rehabilitačným pracovníkom v praxi širokú škálu informácií. Súčasťou sú vždy najnovšie vydania príručiek a učebníc vydavateľstva McGraw-Hill, napr. Dutton's Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation and Intervention a McGraw-Hill's NPTE, ďalej prípadové štúdie, informácie o liekoch, multimédiá ako aj interaktívne kvízy pre samoštúdium.
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- Dutton's Introduction to Physical Therapy and Patient Skills
- Dutton's Introductory Skills and Procedures for the Physical Therapist Assistant
- Dutton's Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention
- Dutton's Orthopedic Survival Guide: Managing Common Conditions
- Effective Documentation for Physical Therapy Professionals
- Essential Elements of Wound Diagnosis
- Essentials of Athletic Injury Management
- Essentials of Modern Neuroscience
- Ethics in Physical Therapy: A Case-Based Approach
- Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance
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- Neuroscience for Rehabilitation
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- Pharmacology for the Physical Therapist
- Photographic Dissector for Students of Physical Therapy: A Step-by-Step Approach
- Physical Therapist Assistant Examination Review and Test-Taking Skills
- Practical Office Orthopedics
- Principles of Athletic Training: A Guide to Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
- Principles of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Professional Issues and Ethics in Physical Therapy: A Case-Based Approach
- Quick Answers: Physiotherapy
- Simon's Emergency Orthopedics
- Sports Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation
- Text and Atlas of Wound Diagnosis and Treatment
- Therapeutic Modalities in Rehabilitation
- Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach
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Manuály a používateľská dokumentácia
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