
Úvod » Produkty » Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention Online: A global perspective

Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention Online: A global perspective

Producent: Oxford University Press
Partner: Oxford University Press
Typ: E-knihy / Kolekcie e-kníh
Platforma: Oxford Academic
URL: Homepage produktu / Product info
Odbory: Psychiatria / Neurovedy / Sexuológia 

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K základní součásti knihovny nejen studenta medicíny lze zařadit soubor publikací Oxford Medical Textbooks Online sepsaných předními odborníky a specialisty, který pokrývá závažné oblasti medicíny.

Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention Online: A global perspective přináší plný text knižního vydání z roku 2009 s následujícím obsahem: Part I – Suicide in a Religious and Cross-cultural Perspective; Part II – The Magnitude and Implication of Suicide; Part III – Theories of Suicidal Behaviour; Part IV – Political Determinants of Suicide; Part V – Social and Economical Determinants of Suicide; Part VI – Psychiatric and Somatic Determinants of Suicide; Part VII – Suicide Risk Assessment; Part VIII – Cost of Suicide and Prevention Strategies; Part IX – Health Care Strategies: Treatment of Suicidal Adults; Part X – Health Care Strategies: Treatment Settings for Adults; Part XI – Public Health Strategies: Awareness and Education; Part XII – Public Health Strategies: Early Detection and Health Promotion; Part XIII – Public Health Strategies: Controlling the Access to Means of Suicide; Part XIV – Survivors of Suicide Loss; Part XV – Yound People and Suicide; Part XVI – Elderly and Suicide; Part XVII – Networking in Suicide Research and Prevention; Part XVIII – Examples of how to Develop Suicide Prevention on the five Continents.

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